Why Disconnecting from Devices is Critical for Families
We all do it without even realizing it until one day, we look up and notice that our whole family is in the same room and hasn’t uttered a single word to each other. Here we are, devices in hand, tapping away at keys to chat or play video games. We might be physically together, but we are miles apart in our minds.
This kind of separation may be what’s tearing families apart today. It’s why experts urge families to disconnect from their devices for a spell and come together in the real world. If this is your family, it’s not too late to make a change. Call a family meeting and set up a time when all of you can be present.
Bring Back Play
What should you do together? The experts suggest playing a board game or a card game is ideal. Let the devices charge in the other room. Devote an hour to each other, which you’ll likely be pleasantly surprised will turn into another hour of having fun truly connecting with one another. Kids need to bond with you and playing games opens up an avenue of communication that you might have felt was road-blocked before. Choose a family game night and stock up on card and board games you grew up with, you know, before technology became an ever-present dominance in our day-to-day rituals. Get a deck of playing cards and look for other new fun card games and board games that the family can enjoy together.
Make it Fun and Forget the Rest
If you have more than one child, let them take turns who gets to choose the game. Or you can put the names of all your board games and card games into a hat and let the kids draw out the winner. It makes it all the more fun when it’s a random choice.
Order a pizza or some other takeout. Ignore the dishes. Focus on laughing and playing together. After a few weeks of hosting family game night in your home, you’ll notice that the kids put down their phones more and interact with each other, and with you, much more than they did before. And you’ll likely notice that about you and your spouse too.
A Time and Place for Technology
Technology can be a tremendous tool for accomplishing a great many things, but when it comes to family time, it has no place. Don’t let the kinds of bonds you built with your parents and siblings slip away due to blue screen time. Devote time to each other playing card games and board games and give your family the kind of memories they’ll cherish forever.